Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A Day in the Life of Feed Drama 12-31-13


SL Feed Fight Back 2014!!! Anybody interested in cancelling their Second Life Premium account?
It would be awesome, if a ton of people (me included) at the same time, cancelled their Premium membership to protest the Feed photo debacle! Anyone? Does it even matter anymore? O.o
  • onlinemoira


    count me in i am discusted
  • nicotime


    \o/ ~ Premium Account cancel count now = 2 (it starts with a spark & slowly builds :)
  • nicotime
  • cleo.donogal


    Matters to me a lot but I don't even have a premium account.
  • luneelixir


    OMG!! Nico is it V time? :D
  • alexandriabrangwin


    Just use Flickr...the feed has been useless to me since my "More" button at the bottom of the page disappeared....................................watch it magically come back now and make me look stupid!
  • nicotime


    Exactly Lune!!!
  • luneelixir


    When do we order the masks? \o/
  • nicotime


    I already use Flickr Alexandria... that is the point. People... don't pay money to a company that really could not care less about what concerns you.
  • vick.forcella


    Even in the past LL is not impressed when people walk away. Them knows we are addicts and return.
  • seductive.dreamscape


    I am there in spirit with you but I don't have a Premium Account... I miss my photos and even more, I miss the Private Chat function... it was so useful to keep in touch with close friends when we couldn't log into SL but didn't want the whole world knowing our business!
  • kennylex.luckless


    I am in SL to see folks in a large virtual world that has public land and much to explore and even interesting stories, now there is many holidays and not all Lindens are active at once and priority has to be on the world servers. Then are the picture function on Amazon and we may blame them by not buy more books :-)
  • josie.elderslie


    I wonder what percentage of the SL population even uses the feeds and if they do, hpw many are premium members. IMO , a handful of us rage quitting would not even register. :(
  • vick.forcella


    Of the 600.000 that log in, about 30...40 are feed addicts. That's 0.006%
  • laurin.sorbet


    Wait, wut? I knew you always try to appear dumb, but you were actually dumb enough to go "Premium"? LOL! Don't expect to get what you pay for with The Lab.
  • nicotime


    Hmm.. for me, it's principal, not rage. Why would I (you) pay a company (any company) that doesn't give 2 shits if I had premium or not to begin with? Plus, they seem incapable of fixing a problem customers are unhappy with, 18+ days & counting. Ditch the premium people! I say.... who cares if they recognize why, you'll be the one saving money & you'll be saying "No!!! I Refuse To Pay For Poor Customer Service" :)
  • bluecymbidium


    I would if i was still premium!
  • kennylex.luckless


    I pay for I like SL and for I want other user to be able to visit SL in the future, you can visit any of the free worlds, where nothing works, there is no support, no public land, no open sandboxes and where it is little lag just for it is 32 user online spread over way to many sims called "Your Land". Yes, I wish I did get more land tier (2048) and more premium gift (did get one due to lack of updates), but the main reason I did stau are for the users and what they do... and to stalk Magellan Linden.
  • ima.rang


    When I became a premium member back in 2007 the feeds did not exist, nor did the Linden Homes. The feeds were an added feature that I have come to enjoy, but since they were not part of the original service which I agreed to pay for, I don't feel slighted by the fact that they rarely work as intended. I am still receiving that which I agreed to pay for.
  • nicotime


    When I first joined, I didn't use or even look at the feed. However, for me, non-existent and just plain poor customer/technical service, is reason enough to cancel and not to ever consider a premium membership.
  • sylvia.tamalyn


    I agree with Ima. To me, there is no connection between the feeds and having a premium account, especially since the feeds are open for all. I enjoy my land parcels and intend to continue doing so, no matter how irritating I might find the issues with the feed to be. Giving up my SL home will not make LL work on the feeds any more quickly. I understand the frustration, believe me, but I won't be canceling.
  • ima.rang


    I personally would never agree to pay a yearly fee to utilize a glorified tweety type feature, and if we are being technical, the feeds are not what you are paying for as a premium member. On the few occasions that I have had cause to utilize customer/technical service, I have been afforded superior service from LL. I don't think that a significant # of the ~800,000 unique users even utilize the feeds. From a business standpoint, I don't know that focusing efforts on a peripheral feature is a sure ROI.
  • stormy.wrexan


    Nico, I dropped my premium account when LL decided to ignore residents that blatantly ignore the TOS and were repeatedly reported and never removed. I drew my line on that principle, if they could care less about people being abused in the world they created and all it's features, why would they care about yr pictures getting loaded into a place they don't police anyways. LL has a history of looking the other way. GL with this venture though. :)
  • ima.rang


    You violated the TOS by being abusive to people yourself Stormy. Perhaps in this instance the fact that LL did not uphold the policy of not removing abusive individuals worked in your favor, assuming you have some attachment to your account.
  • stormy.wrexan


    Funny how perception is Ima Rag, isn't it? Yr a HUGE violator in life, general speaking...can't imagine reality ever really checking in on u now can we...What u see, is smoke and mirrors...but like opinions I suppose yr entitled to yrs....ALL u EVER do is violate...like hostile world of raging IMA...U honestly think I care what u think? Seriously! U are funny though I give u that...Hope yr new year recharges yr warped sense of being. Later loser! :))


My Dear SL buddies. I'm here to tell you all that i'm leaving SL! ... YES I AM LEAVING! TODAY! i will be gone!... till Thursday or Friday! (but sssttt.. i get more attention if people think that i'm really leaving)
So i wanna wish you all a Happy new Year! Be safe with fireworks and don't take too much Booze or dope! :p
  • pallina60.loon


    Reading the first line I was ready to tear my hair in despair ..... then I continued to read ^ __ ^ Happy new year to you too^^
  • venus.petrov


    Happy New Year Ginger Ginger!! I hope 2014 is a wonderfully, drama-filled, er -free year!! *coughs*
  • josie.elderslie


    Happy new year, attention whore. Muah!
  • ginger.krokus


    I love drama and attention! i want more when i get back! Muah Muah Muah! (and stuff)
  • ian.undercroft


    Attention seekers - pah! Happy New Year!
  • kemicq


  • josie.elderslie


    I will start something Friday, General. Hee!
  • ginger.krokus


    hahah it's the new trend Ian. you gotta go with the flow
  • venus.petrov


    Oh wait. You need to change your profile photo to something depressing and then post that you have 'nothing to say....' (the dots are important)
  • ginger.krokus


    oh craps. i fail at this already
  • lana.quicksand


    Happy New Year Ginger!
  • lana.quicksand


    I forget <3<3<3<3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • xantippia


    happy arbitrary moment in time & space ! ^w^
  • kylie.jaxxon


    Happy New Year to you too...have a safe one :)
  • kylie.jaxxon


    What did I miss...who said they're leaving?
  • colleen.criss


    Should I make popcorn? *looks around* Happy New Year Ginger !!
  • josie.elderslie


    Blocks Colleen.
  • joediamond.camel


    ..ok 'good bye'...and....WB.......
  • colleen.criss


    :P @ Josie!
  • sylvia.tamalyn


    Happy New Year, Drama Queen! xo *derenders Ginger's ass as it goes through the door*
  • auryn.beorn


    Nuuuuu... Don't go! Don't jump off that bridge! Don't write "NO DRAMA" in your profile! (Happy New Year! Have fun :-) )
  • max04


    Goodbye!!...lol....Wish you a Happy New Year too Ginger Ginger!!:)))
  • ima.rang


    Can I haz your stuff?
  • dresden.ceriano


    Oh, woe is me... how can I SLive without Ginger? No more Ginger ale; no more Gingerbread; goodbye, Ginger beer... you frothy whore! My SLife will never be the same.
  • sylvia.tamalyn


    Dres, you bitch, you always have to out-drama everyone! *derenders you too!*
  • ima.rang


    Wha? I thought I was the frothy whore! You have hurt me, Dres. Deep. Hurt. Me.
  • colleen.criss


    And the Oscar for the most drama in a profile feed thread goes to ............
  • ima.rang


    Are we voting for the entire year or just entries made today?
  • colleen.criss


    OMG ! LOL , I have no time to go back thru all the SL drama, lets just choose from this thread!
  • ima.rang


    Well, my vote for the year would have to be Seicher Rae for the first part of 2013...she gave an awesome performance surrounding the OBR event. For this thread...clearly Venus wins for her fake cough.
  • colleen.criss


    The cough was good and well timed, Dres *frothy whore* was gripping!, and the there is Josie blocking me for bringing treats. So hard to choose!
  • dresden.ceriano


    Sorry, Ima.. perhaps you hadn't realized that I give the status of frothy whore out like I do VD on a particularly, sexually active day. Now, if you're interested in being proclaimed a writhing cunt, I usually reserve that title to the best of the best. I await your submission.
  • ima.rang


    It just sounds so un-special...But if that is the title for the best of the best, how could I possible deny interest? ;P
  • dresden.ceriano


    Perhaps I have it backwards... do cunts writhe more commonly than do whores froth?
  • ima.rang


    I'm not sure, the wiki did not leak that info.
  • dresden.ceriano


    Leave santorum out of this.
  • auryn.beorn


    Ima, I agree with your vote. For reasons that don't matter, and a little masochism, I revisited a certain OBR related thread not too long ago. Ms Rae's performance was technically perfect under the standards of how to make everything about you, and it also scored high in the logical fallacies area. When I read said performance, a memory came to my mind.
  • auryn.beorn


    There was a pre-teen girl at gramma's, with a broken ankle. Gramma had visit that day, and the visitor of course asked the girl what happened after seeing the cast in her leg. The girl answered and immediately after, Gramma said "well that's nothing compared to what happened to me when...", and started talking and talking about a long list of accidents, diseases and pain.
  • auryn.beorn


    The visitor interrupted, "if you think that what your back suffered is pain, you know nothing", and started with her own long list. Gramma interrupted to make clear she was the one having suffered the most, the visitor always had new examples for which Gramma also had more examples... and in the middle of this, the pre-teen complained because her foot started to ache.
  • auryn.beorn


    Both directed a stern look to her and the visitor said "it's unbelievable how rude kids are today; haven't your parents taught you manners? When two adults talk, you shut up." Gramma added "she thinks she's in pain, but which kid never breaks a bone? When you grow old, little girl, you will know what is pain; if your foot aches, suck it up, that's what happens when bones break. Don't make me having to complain again to your parents."
  • auryn.beorn


    For some reason, I could imagine who in this scene were Gramma and the visitor, when reading that thread :o)
  • dresden.ceriano


    But, who was the little girl?
  • auryn.beorn


    The grand daughter :-)
  • venus.petrov


    I would pay L$ to watch a smackdown between Seicher and Lillie. And make popcorn!
  • auryn.beorn


    Popcorn, beer, cheese... That would be something worth watching! In HD!
  • dresden.ceriano


    If nothing else, it would certainly make for a great expectorant.
  • colleen.criss


    Careful making popcorn , it gets you blocked ! :P
  • dresden.ceriano


    What about cheese fries? Are cheese fries alright? I likes me some cheese fries.
  • ima.rang


    I could be wrong, but I doubt it would be much of a smackdown as they would probably get caught up in how alike they are run to a corner to gossip about their respective love affairs with Gyp Q.
  • colleen.criss


    LOL !
  • dresden.ceriano


    Damn you, Ima... I thought we had moved on to more pleasant things, ya know... like cheese fries. I'm glad I didn't eat any, because now, envisioning the scenario you'd set forth, I would've felt compelled to regurgitate them all.
  • ima.rang


    Your hips will thank me ;P
  • dresden.ceriano


    Now there's a diet plan.
  • venus.petrov


    @Ima, all we need is a referee for the smackdown that presents a scenario and they have to work to achieve the 'top whiner' award (which could well be a statue of Gyp urinating).
  • dresden.ceriano


    My vote for top whiner would have to go to SR, since I can only envision LW as a bottom whiner.
  • dresden.ceriano


    If I were casting the role of so-called-victim, I'd be hard pressed to decide between the two.
  • ima.rang


    The itemized list that SR routinely presented is much longer than LW's. That could be because SR is 20 years older than LW though.
  • dresden.ceriano


    Woe is us... a tragic dilemma. Should we go with the seasoned character actress or the fresh new face? Decisions, decisions.
  • ima.rang


    Oh...I don't know, we may have to give some consideration to their pet fleahttps://my.secondlife.com/nicotime/posts/52c1b75c7628651ce7003c64
  • dresden.ceriano


    Oh no... she has already been given the role of the deranged, emotionally unstable, mentally challenged, slightly deformed step-child who needs to be kept chained up in the attic for her own well-being, not to mention the well-being of others.
  • ima.rang


    Ah...I see. Venus-I think she deserves a pissing Gyp statue for her performance?
  • venus.petrov


    Nope, no pissing Gyp (real or otherwise) for her performance. Neener neener.
  • venus.petrov


    You've gotta understand that right now she's sitting on both hands, staring at her screen, hissin and spittin. A sight for sore eyes. Fortunately, mine do not ache.
  • ima.rang


    Oh well, at least she was able to demonstrate her lack of talent one last time this year. Maybe next year she can take the piss ;P
  • ima.rang


    Yes, I'm sure her painfully contracted sphincter probably took a bite out of her pleather chair...well played ;) I wonder which alt will be employed to respond...oh the suspense!
  • auryn.beorn


    @Ima: "The page you were looking for doesn't exist" *sadness*
  • ima.rang


    Hmmm...I suppose we were either blocked or the post was deleted. Basically what happened was I that Stormy W indicated that she had terminated her premium account because LL turned their heads at abusive individuals despite the number of times she had reported them and I pointed out that she was routinely abusive to individuals so perhaps their failure to dispose of abusers worked in her favor. At that point she asserted that I was a violator in RL, a loser, and subsequently, demented.
  • auryn.beorn


  • leehere.absent


    @ Auryn: Do you need a copy? :D (I'm kidding. Kind of.) ;)
  • auryn.beorn


    Rhetoric question... Does any of those brave mouths that if TOS were really to be strictly enforced, their accounts would be the first banned ones? (Or they are brave mouths because they know the answer but prefer fooling others by reinterpreting TOS to their own image and wishes, so they are always the *coughs* victims?)
  • auryn.beorn


    Lee... My own archivist soul would be grateful :-) (And I think, you expected an answer in these lines.)
  • ima.rang


    Ha! A stealthy archivist! They are victims of course and their behavior is of course only a result of them defending themselves...umm...mostly from the facts, truth, and of course, correct spelling and evil grammar rules.
  • ima.rang


    "Of course" is the phrase of the day...

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